About Pick Up Lines
If for some incomprehensible reason you want to mess up all the chances to score another date, you could try scaring them off with a bad pick up line. The bad pick up line options are endless. They can be insulting, seductive or just plain rude.
Using a pick up line on someone you want to "seduce" is probably not a good idea since it would be hard to find people who don't find them repulsive and who will think they're funny. On the other hand, bad pick up lines act great as bad jokes on your buddies. I've had too much fun reading some of these with my friends and trying to wrap our heads around what kind of people are using them...
What Makes a Pick Up Line "Bad"?
You know, bad pick up lines are usually just rude. They may contain bad words, they can be insulting and be way too suggestive in manner. The bad pick up lines we're talking about here can't be considered flirting no matter how you look at it.
Typical bad pick up line: "Excuse me, I just sh*t in my pants. Can I get in yours?" (No, WEIRDO! Please leave!) Who thinks that saying something like that makes them attractive and desiring? If you want to flirt, hop on our best pick up lines page.
A pick up line may also be waaaay too forward. If someone approached me with a "Touch your toes and I will show you where the rocket goes!" line I would be surprised if I didn't punch them.
Another thing that makes some pick up lines bad, is when they contain inappropriate metaphors. Imagine, you are walking down the street, when someone says "Hey, what's up?" You reply with a polite "Hi" and keep on walking. That person then swoops in for the kill with this line - "You look like trash, may I take you out?". Now what do they think of themselves? They believe that they made an effort by giving a pick up line. The truth is that bad pick up lines like this will not get you anywhere - if anything, it will make people feel uncomfortable and want to get far away from you.
When to Use Bad Pick Up Lines?
Like bad jokes, bad pick up lines may only be funny in certain situations and company. You may use them in social events where humor is welcomed or just to have some fun with your friends while playing games like Cards Against Humanity.
Quite often during quarantine me and my friends tried to find the worst pick up lines we could and then we just laughed in tears. Wondering what kind of people have ever come up with those (often hilariously disgusting) lines.
Bad pick up lines can also make good dares for your friend when you want them to be single forever. No doubt they will get ghosted so hard they start checking the obituaries.
Also, another situation where they can be funny is when you are in a bad mood. It is much more fun to scroll through and laugh at the bad pick up lines than cry over your failed relationship. But don't get inspired too much for the obvious reasons stated above.
Bad pick up lines are bad, and some can be very bad. Even though they may be funny at times, they won't get you anywhere while trying to score a date! The only things you'll be scoring are a few slaps and not on the places you'd like.
Rather, use bad pick up lines as bad jokes or dares to have some fun with your friends. If you are dying to try bad pick up lines, go ahead and check our bad pick up line list above.