Dang girl, are you a dinosaur? ‘Cause Jurass-is-sick.
When I first saw you I looked for a signature, because every masterpiece has one.
Will you be my girlfrien? I left out the ‘d’ cause you’ll get that later!
If you were a steak you would be well done.
You dropped something! What? (Point at the ground) Your standards.
I hope you’re not a vegetarian, because I’d love to meat you.
Are you a door? Because you are adoorable.
I know you’re busy today but can you add me to your to-do list?
My love for you is like diarrhea. I just cant hold it in.
Are you mexican? Because you’re my Juan and only!
Roses are red, violets are blue (touch her gently) I have herpes, and now you do too.
So, come back to my place, and if you don’t like it I swear I’ll give you a full refund.
“I have a boyfriend” – Well, let me know when you’re ready to upgrade to a man!
Don’t you think most people who use pick-up lines are dipsticks? (Yes.) In that case, mind if I check your oil level?
Want to play lion? (She asks, “What’s that?”) That’s where you get down on all fours and growl like a lion while I feed you the meat!