Hi, my name is Pogo, want to jump on my stick?
Do you like chicken? Sorry, I haven’t got any, how about a c*ck?
Somebody needs to call the bomb squad, because you’re the bomb!
I want to write a poem on your body with my lips.
Girls are sexy, guys are fine I’ll be your six if you’ll be my nine!
Oh, I’m sorry, I thought that was a Braille name tag.
Can you take me to the bakery? Because, I want a Cutiepie like you!
Hey babe, how about a pizza and a f**k? [No] What’s wrong, don’t you like pizza?
Please call an ambulance, your beauty is killing me!
My love for you is like the energizer bunny, it keeps going and going.
Oh, yeah, [band name] is really great. I have all their rare stuff. You can come over to my place and tape it all if you want.
You wanna know what’s big? (Pause) My house you weirdo!
Hey, don’t I know you? Yeah, you’re the girl with the beautiful smile.
Was your Dad in the Air Force? Because you’re da bomb.
I may not be a window repairman, but I can still fill your crack in.